These eight cheetahs are coming to India, how many females, how many males? Know each one’s age and specialty
Eight cheetahs from South African country Namibia are about to reach Kuno National Park in Madhya Pradesh on the birthday of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. A team from Namibia’s Cheetah Conservation Institute (CCF) is bringing these cheetahs.

Two male cheetahs aged 5.5 years
Two out of three male cheetahs are born from the same mother 5.5 years ago. Both have been living in a private reserve of 58 thousand hectares in Otjiwarongo, Namibia since July 2021.

4.5 year old male cheetah
This cheetah was born in March 2018 at Erindi Private Game Reserve. His mother was also born there which the CCF had left in the forests of Erindi a few years back.

2 year old female cheetah
The female cheetah was found with her brother at a waterhole near the southeastern city of Gobabis in Namibia. Both were very thin and weak.CCF thinks that their mother may have died in a forest fire a few weeks ago. This female cheetah was living in the CCF center since September 2022.

3-4 year old female cheetah
This female cheetah was caught by trapping it in a field in July 2022. The farm around CCF belongs to a prominent Namibian businessman.This cheetah was caught and left inside the CCF. However, two months later he was again seen in a neighboring farm and was caught again.

2.5 year old female cheetah
This cheetah originated in the Erindi Private Gum Reserve. Born in April 2020, the age of this female cheetah is now 2.5 years. His mother had been a part of CCF’s cheetah rehabilitation program and was released again in the wild after two and a half years.

5 year old female cheetah
This cheetah was caught in late 2017 from a field near Gobabis. Then she was very thin and malnourished. After good care she became fat and fresh. In January 2018, the CCF staff came to know about it and brought it to the centre.

Another 5 year old female cheetah
The CCF staff was caught in February 2019 near Kamanjab, a village in the north-west of Namibia. As soon as she arrived, she became a good friend of her same age female cheetah. Now both are often seen together.